AdroitLogic Private Ltd. announced today the results of the fifth round of ESB Performance testing. This round compares the WSO2 ESB, Mule ESB CE, Fuse ESB, Apache ServiceMix, Talend ESB, Petals ESB, JBoss ESB and the UltraESB. The ESB performance benchmark has been in use since June 2007 by vendors such as WSO2, AdroitLogic, Mulesoft and BEA to compare ESBs across different loads and message sizes for six common use cases. This round also publishes an EC2 AMI to easily reproduce the results by average users, and also publishes all source configuration for the 8 different ESBs in a public BitBucket repository.
Whats significant about this test suite is that it has now been accepted as a de-facto ESB performance test suite by vendors such as WSO2, BEA and Mulesoft in the past, who have reported results against their implementations publicly. This has also been used extensively by end users for ESB comparison, and load testing of configurations before production deployments.
Although 8 open source ESBs were considered, 4 of these failed without being able to complete the load test. One ESB had a 3-4% error rate, while three completed successfully. The test includes two variants of the free and open source UltraESB. The enhanced version is supercharged with the power of VTD XML which allows the UltraESB to perform XPath evaluation on XML payloads without XML parsing. This works nicely with the RAM Disk based file cache used by the UltraESB to provide both Zero-Copy and Java Non-Blocking IO for the extreme levels of performance.
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