AdroitLogic Private Ltd. announced today the release v1.7.1 of its free and open source Enterprise Service Bus, the UltraESB. The UltraESB is released under the OSI approved GNU Affero General Public License; as well as a zero-dollar non-GPL commercial license. First released in January 2010, the UltraESB was the first ESB to utilize memory mapped files and zero-copy, coupled with non-blocking IO to provide extreme levels of performance.
This release is mainly targeted on the Zabbix integration support, and thus the UConsole-Zabbix integration has been improved considerably. The automatic creation of hosts, applications and host-groups in Zabbix has been introduced as yet another step of convenience to the users.
A UTerm command has also been introduced to register the artifacts for monitoring with Zabbix, apart from the UConsole based wizard. This command allows the specification of a set of templates to be registered as a collection, by specifying a folder name containing the Zabbix templates.
From this release onwards the UConsole and UTerm will be bundled into an optional separate distribution, allowing the management bundle to to be installed easily on different desktops of the administrators etc, separate from the data center distribution for the actual nodes. This setup fits nicely with the minimal distribution so that a server can be installed with just the minimal distribution. However the complete distribution is still available with all the tools, core runtime & samples etc.
The new Zabbix Screens template support, allows the registration of Zabbix Screens effortlessly with either UConsole or UTerm using the templates shipped with the UltraESB.
The v1.7.1 release is approximately ~37MB in size and includes over 70 samples, test utilities and documentation etc to get started quickly. The release can be downloaded from